51st Greater Cleveland Drug Court Achievement Ceremony

51st Drug Court Graduation Ceremony
February 4, 2016

Honorable Lauren C. Moore, Drug Court Judge
Dr. Daryl D. Jackson, Program Coordinator

On behalf of the Honorable Lauren C. Moore, Drug Court Judge; Dr. Daryl D. Jackson, Program Coordinator and the Cleveland Municipal Court’s Greater Cleveland Drug Court, congratulations to the twenty-nine approved graduates we celebrated on February 4, 2016 at the 51st Drug Court Graduation Ceremony.

Drug Court requires intense supervision, in-patient treatment, therapy sessions, frequent random drug tests and life-skill building exercises. In order to graduate from the four-level program and deter a jail sentence, participants have to meet milestones besides being sober, including holding a job and / or attending school. The end goal of the program is to turn participants into upstanding members of society.

Together, our contributions help create lasting change and a brighter future for children, families and individuals in our community struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. We all win when Cleveland Municipal Court makes investments to help individuals in our community to become successful in life; families strengthen and become stable; and people make healthy lifestyle choices. 

For more information about the Greater Cleveland Drug Court please contact:

Dr. Daryl D. Jackson, Program Coordinator
(216) 420-8871

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