Take advantage of our convenient online case-management system to get up-to-date information on your case.
No need to come in person to pay a ticket. You can do it online here. If you appeared in court and would like to pay your ticket online, please click here.
Browse our convenient online form library for the documents you’ll need to initiate or complete your business with the court.
A handy guide to quick answers about various court-related issues.
If you are unable to afford an attorney and are charged with a misdemeanor that carries the possibility of a jail sentence, you are eligible for an attorney from our Office. Request an attorney here.
How to File a Small Claim
Fee Schedules
Guilty Plea Avoid Points
PleadNot Guilty
RequestTime to Pay
Parking Violations
Information For Jurors
Bond Information
Meet the Judges
Cleveland Municipal Court, 1200 Ontario Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1610 About this background image